First Guinness Record:

Second Guinness Record:

Third Guinness Record:

Fourth Guinness World Record:
Typed 26 Letters of English Alphabet from A to Z in amazing 5.03 Seconds on 20th July 2010.
Fifth Guinness World Record:

Sixth Guinness World Record
Memorising 264 Binary numbers in one minute on 8th March 2011.
Seventh Guinness World Record:
Memorising 152 Sequence of Colours on 8th March 2011.
Eighth Guinness World Record:
Longest Sequence of Objects Memorised – 40 in One Minute on 22nd June 2012.
Ninth Guinness World Record:
Most Post Cards Sent from a single location 14004 on 15th July 2011.
Tenth Guinness World Record:
Most Hugs given in one hour is 2,436 on 29th September 2012
Eleventh Guinness World Record:
Most Number of Shoes sorted out in One Minute is 14 on 22nd June 2012.
Twelth Guinness World Record:
Most Kisses Given in 30 seconds is 47 on 22nd June 2012.
Thirteenth Guinness World Record:
Largest Business Lesson with 2,222 participants on 17 Sep 2013.
Fourteeth Guinness World Record:
Most Week Days Identified in One Minute is 103 by Squadron Leader Jayasimha on 23 July 2015