Had the privilege of interacting with Ms Sania Alam, the president, World Memory Sports Council for Pakistan in Hong Kong during the 27th World Memory Championships 2018.
It had been almost 9 years since India had entered into Memory Sports and team India is 4th in the world at present. India is aiming to host World Memory Championships in India for the first time in 2020.
Now, Ms Sania Alam started training Memory athletes of Pakistan from this year.
The way, India and Pakistan have reached the top in Cricket and Hockey, we look forward to seeing both these nations on top of the World Memory Sports soon.
Wing Commander Ranjit Mandal sir, Group Captain NS Kumar sir, Mr Pradeep Acharya and Mr Manjunath were along with me during our exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge. Special thanks to Bharath, Sai Teja and Ms Radhika Madam for all the help in Hong Kong.
Hopefully, the youth of India & Pakistan get benefited by promoting this Memory Sports in times to come.
Squadron Leader Jayasimha
President, World Memory Sports Council for India.