At the outset, I must thank all the parents, Students and Corporate Participants from India and abroad for making my Online Training and Online Counselling a great success. I had been doing Webinars and Counselling programs from the comforts of my home at the convenient time / locations of my clients. This is first of its kind. I tried experimenting. I am glad that I could succeed with your encouragement and kind support. My E-books are able to reach all over the world in a short span of time. Those who are looking for personal Online guidance on Skype, note my Skype id is : SqnLdrJayasimha.
- My sincere thanks for watching and honest feedback on my Free Daily Motivational Videos. We are trying to improve the quality as the times go by. Those of you, still not able to see these videos, please visit website and register for daily newsletter / news update. You will get a Free video every day in your mail box in English/ Hindi /Telugu. You may also like my facebook page : Jayasimha Squadron Leader else call me on 9866018989 or mail me at
- Now, lot of parents have been complaining / sending mails to me saying that some Memory Trainers ..with dubious names….Who can’t even speak good English, who can’t face the students and audience in Major cities& Corporate Schools have been misguiding students in small towns and rural areas in the name of Memory and Maths Training. In order to weed away all the unscrupulous trainers, we have decided to bring out the Video DVDs on Memory/ Speed Reading and Speed Maths. These DVDs will be of greater quality, will be at a cheaper price and will be helpful to all the Rural and small town students who don’t have access to Internet. You can watch these DVDs as many times as you want with the whole family/ teachers/ friends, till you perfect these techniques. These DVDs will be released by end of next month. You don’t have to attend these sub-standard Memory Training Programs any more.
The DVDs will be available on the following topics :
- Creative Visualisation
- Memorising Long Answer / Short Answer / Essay Questions / Speeches etc.,
- Memorising Vocabulary
- Overcoming Spelling Mistakes in English
- Memorising Numbers
- Memorising Binary Numbers
- Memorising Science Formulae / Equations
- How to Remember what you read for a long time.
- Memorising Calendar
- Memorising Playing Cards
- Concentration Techniques
- Overcoming Examination Fear
- Speed Reading
- Speed Mathematics
- Motivation
- Art of Parenting